Thank you for your interest in the Torraka product line.
For our military and government partners JENSEN TACTICAL offers proprietary tactical apparel from TORRAKA-
available for U.S. distribution exclusively through JENSEN TACTICAL.
TORRAKA, known as Taiga in Sweden, develops and tests all products under the most extreme conditions to meet and exceed the
highest standard possible, and to ensure that you are suitably dressed and prepared for every mission.
Torraka Extreme Cold Weather Uniforms and Layering System.
After discovering the Norwegian FSK (Special Forces), the Norwegian MJK (Navy SEALs) and the Swedish armed forces were wearing Torraka uniforms, the decision to procure these uniforms and the accompanying insulating layers for U.S. Special Forces was made in 2016.
Many products marketed for extreme cold weather use by military and law enforcement personnel were originally designed for the civilian market, and then adapted for government use. Torraka uniforms were conceptualized from the beginning with military use in mind.
These uniforms are not “overwhites”; these are actual cold weather uniforms in a winter camouflage pattern, thus eliminating the need for “overwhites.” It is an excellent product designed and tested by people who live, work, and operate in the temperatures that these products are developed to withstand, and was made specifically for military use; it’s not a civilian product someone said would work for military operations.
The key to the effectiveness of Torraka’s four-layer Gore-Tex vs. other products on the market is where in the product the freeze point occurs.
In the Torraka four-layer Gore-Tex CPU uniform the freeze point is within the layers of the jacket, not inside the jacket.
When a person is working in extreme cold temperatures, such as -20 degrees Fahrenheit and below,
the heat coming off the body will meet the frigid exterior temperatures and turn to frost.
For all other products on the market, including standard issue military cold weather uniforms, this freeze point is inside the jacket, causing the
wearer to become chilled because there is a layer of frost collecting on the inside of the protective portion of the clothing itself.
On the Torraka CPA uniform heat escapes the first three layers and is trapped outside the Gore-Tex layer and inside the durable Cordura material on the outside of the jacket, preventing frost from collecting in the jacket or trousers and keeping the cold air outside of the outer shell of the uniform.
Freezing air and frost are kept away from the core of the body, thus ensuring that the individual wearing these items will remain warm.
Specialized drain holes in this outer layer allow any collected frost to immediately drain away from the jacket
and your body as soon as you enter a warmer environment.
If you don’t require quite as much thermal protection, Torraka’s MA uniform was designed by mountaineers for durable ruggedness and flexibility. The MA is slightly lighter than the CPA uniform with additional options in venting while maintaining layering options.
Thank you for your interest in the TORRAKA line.
JENSEN TACTICAL, LLC is the exclusive U.S. dealer for Torraka; we sell to those in the U.S. military regardless of where they are stationed.
If you are currently overseas, Jensen Tactical has the experience and capability to work with you to meet your requirements.
Jensen Tactical has extensive experience in working with military vendors to ensure our troops are supplied with exactly what they need and is happy to
help guide the contracting officer or procurement official through the requisitions process if needed.
For unit purchases Jensen Tactical uses approved vendors such as ADS Inc., Darley Defense, Noble and other prime vendors.
If you are in the USAF, we can work through AAFES and a vendor, so it alleviates the Unison method for procurement.
If AAFES isn’t used, Jensen Tactical, LLC can guide you through the Unison procurement process to ensure your unit will receive the best products possible.
The Torraka product line is also an excellent choice for police, firefighters, and first responders.
If you work in one of these fields, Torraka is the brand for all your protective and tactical clothing needs.
Jensen Tactical can also sell directly to individuals; please contact us with your needs and we will be happy to work with you.
The full catalog is also available to view at www.torraka.com and www.taiga.com.

Torraka Climate Lab

HT4® by Hypertech performed by Torraka – Termal Infrared protection